Staples Distribution Bathroom and Breakroom Remodel
Commercial Bathroom Remodeling

ADA Compliant Bathroom
Break Area Remodeling

Upgraded Break Area
1. SECURITY AREA as you enter the building we will include furnish and
Installing New LVT Flooring, Two-Tier Cabinets facing the entry door,
Countertops & Wall Cabinet, Outlets per Code, Relocate the door to Break
Room, Wall up Existing Door. Supply and Install new Custom Scanner Cabinet.
2. BREAK ROOM to include including supplying and Installing New LVT Flooring,
New Cabinets on South Wall including Sink, additional outlets and Space for 3
Upper Mounted Microwaves and 3 Microwaves below those to sit above the
Countertop; new Cabinets and Tops on SE Corner of Break Room to include
Sink, Water Supply and Drain, Water Line to Coffee Bar next to new Sink and
additional outlets; Countertops will have predrilled round holes for trash; New
Curved Booth where Ice Machine currently sits; Install Six Round 48” Tabletops
and Bases; Install 5 Booths and Booth Tables. Install approx.. 21’ Countertop on
North Wall with 8 counter height outlets to include USB Ports for Phone
Charging; New Center Island to run north and south for seating; Furnish 20 Tall
Round Top Table Chairs. Run wiring to 2-3 new TV’s if needed.
3. MEN’S BATHROOM remodel to include Installing New LVT Flooring, 3 Stools,
3 new Urinals, new Stainless-Steel Partitions, new Wall Mounted ADA Compliant
Sink Top with 2 Bowls and Faucets, 2 Mirrors, Tile Sink area to the ceiling. New Wall Mounted Lighting.
4. WOMEN’S BATHROOM remodel to include Installing New LVT Flooring, 5
Stools, New Stainless-Steel Partitions, Wall Mounted ADA Compliant Sink top
with 2 Bowls and Faucets, 2 Mirrors, 2 Faucets, Tile Sink area to the ceiling. New Wall Mounted Lighting.
5. HALLWAY OUTSIDE BATHROOMS remodel we will Install New: LVT
Flooring, Drinking Fountain with Water Bottle Fill Station (customer will supply both), Computer Desk.
6. NEW VENDING AREA we will remove West door and replace with Case
Opening, Build new Wall approx. 28’ long with Electrical outlets in it for Vending
Machines. Move Ice Machine into area next to door and install Water Supply and
Drain if needed; new LVT Flooring. We will install 2 outlets on North Wall for refrigerator(s).
7. Demo Hallway Carpet outside Bathrooms and replace by Installing LVT Flooring during weekend.